Arek Białek

Arek Białek

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University

My work

I am an assistant professor at the Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University. Overall, my research aims to understand development of joint action and communication. I investigate them through detailed observations of mother-infant interactions (using hand-coding and video motion tracking) and agent-based modeling. {tbc}

  • coordination of perspectives
  • cultural developmental psychology
  • meta-science
  • PhD in Psychology

    Jagiellonian University

recent publications

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(2023). Both syntactic and pragmatic sentence adequacy matters for recursive theory of mind in 5-year-olds. Cognitive Development.


(2023). Two Voices on the Credibility Crisis in Psychology. Review of Psychology.

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(2022). Peeking and lying in the temptation resistance paradigm in 2.5-year-olds: The role of inhibitory control. PLoS One.

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(2022). Coordinating movements and beliefs: Different facets of doing things together. Child Development.

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